Organisational Wellbeing Services are designed to support and encourage a holistic approach to employee wellbeing by creating a healthy organisational culture. Offering corporate wellness programs cultivates healthy habits among employees and improves health outcomes, all while increasing productivity, optimising human resource investments and boosting employee engagement.

Our Clientele

PHWC is the one and only preferred partner of Lyra (ICAS International) in Bangladesh.

PHWC Organisational Wellbeing Programme

We partner with organisations to improve workplace mental health. Our corporate wellness services include assessments, workshops, and evidence-based programs to reduce stress, build resilience, and enhance wellbeing for your team.


- Individual Assessment
- Individual Therapy (CTC)


- Corporate Seminars
- Wellness Activities
- Workshops

Company Level

- Needs Assessment
- On-site Counseling
- Monthly Awareness Orientation

Problems We Address through
Organisational Wellness Service

Having a corporate wellness program is imperative to the foundation of a business, hence providing a robust program gives your organisation the competitive edge to attract and retain top talent. The problems we address through our programme are outlined below

Interpersonal Problems

Family Issues, Relationship Problems, Parenting Issues, Dependent Others

Mental Health Concerns

Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Burnout

Motivational Problems

Lack of Interest, Low Self-Confidence, Fear of Failure, Poor Work-Life Balance

Organisational Constraints

Lack of Communication, Working Environment, Workplace Conflict, Time Management

0 %
Current Lives
Sessions delivered
Corporates reached

Benefits of Organisational Wellbeing Program

Organisational Wellbeing Services provide comprehensive support for employees’ physical, mental, and social health, leading to a more engaged, productive workforce. The company benefits through higher performance and retention while employees benefit through enhanced wellbeing and work-life balance.


The certified clinical team and well-being trainer provides mental health training and workshops to professionals and nonprofessionals on various topics. Our tailored programs cover a wide range of topics:

1. Mental Health First Aid Training
2. Para Counseling and Communication Skills
3. Executive Coaching
4. Dealing With Conflict and Burnout
5. Tackling Addiction
6. Emotional Intelligence

The seminars are informational and both theory and technique based. Modules and its contents are ideally tailor made respecting the requirements, structure and background of an organisation and its employees.
For more information on the services, please contact us at

Enquire Now

Frequently Asked Questions

The services provided include Individual Counselling (face-to-face or online), On-site Counselling, Group Counselling, Wellness Workshops, Crisis Intervention, and Corporate Seminars.

Yes, dependents (spouse and dependent children) of an employee are also eligible for availing services under the program.

Psychiatric assessments are not included in our organizational wellness services. However, we do offer clinical psychiatric services that employees can access separately if needed.

Our 24/7 hotline is answered by our Psychological Counsellors who have a Master’s degree in Clinical or Counseling Psychology. They provide compassionate support, help resolve issues, and assist employees any time of the day or night.

We maintain complete confidentiality through our EAP services. Nothing you discuss with our counselors on the EAP hotline is shared with your employer, manager, HR or anyone else without your consent. The details of the reasons you contacted the hotline and the mental health support you receive are kept private. You can feel comfortable reaching out to us knowing that we are committed to protecting your privacy.